Thursday, July 10, 2008

Aspiration Statement

After being invited to serve in Panama, I was asked to write an "Aspiration Statement" to let my host country get to know a little about me and my expectations for the next 2 years. I thought that'd be a fitting first post on this blog.

Hello, my name is Alan McDonald, I a recent college graduate with a degree in Product Design. Through this education, I’ve learned a method to do what I’ve always loved; which is making stuff that solves problems. In my formal education, I’ve had experience designing luxury yachts, high end furniture, and various other gadgets that will never see production, because they are based in a fantasy world of “User Profiles” and made up “Scenarios”. I joined the Peace Corps to challenge myself to use my creative abilities to design something that capitalizes on local resources, is sustainable in every definition of the word, and most importantly solve a serious problem.

I’ve been assigned to the Environmental Health program in Panama, which I think is a very good fit to accomplish the goals listed above. It’s also a good fit in regards to my previous experience I have. My father is a plumber and electrician, and I spent many summers with him gaining familiarity with modern plumbing. He used to tell me, “Plumbers protect America’s health” citing a number of diseases and conditions that are virtually nonexistent in a country with adequate plumbing. In this way I look forward to the work I will be doing as an environmental health specialist. The area of sanitation in these communities is not only an area of great need, but also of great potential. As a part of my program, I’d like to experiment with using human waste to create compost, and potentially methane gas for fuel. In this way a biological hazard is turned into a locally produced resource. As a secondary program, I was hoping to be able to use my design background in another way. If assigned to a community where artisans create beautiful traditional carvings, or textiles, I’d like to organize a cottage industry by using local talents and traditions to provide economic opportunities for community members. Depending on resources available, goods produced in the community could be sold on the internet for exponentially more than they would sell at local markets. (Examples can be found at )

I realize however that I need to be prepared to abandon any of these plans if they don’t match up with the needs of the community I’m placed in, or don’t have the support of the host community. My strategy to work with host country partners is to first of all identify the needs of the community, and then find partners that have similar goals and resources to meet these goals.

Vital to getting cooperation is adapting to the Panamanian culture. I realize that I will never fit in completely with my host community. But I do look forward to living in a different culture. I have a laid back personality and the ability to laugh at myself, which I think are important traits to have when adapting to a new environment. From the
information I’ve received, I also have a great amount of respect for the Panamanian culture. I admire their strong family values and look forward to learning from them.

I also look forward to learning the necessary skills during pre-service training. As of now I have a strong background in reading and writing in the Spanish language, but through training I hope to become fluent at speaking the language, and having conversations. In addition to language skills I would like to learn about Panama, the different indigenous groups that inhabit the country, and cultural traditions to be aware of. I also hope to learn the technical skills to be useful to my community, by learning what other environmental health volunteers have tried and what worked, and what didn’t work. 

I am looking forward to my Peace Corps experience. My primary goal in making this commitment is to have an experience I’ll remember for the rest of my life; an experience that will make me a more creative, resourceful, and all around better person and designer. I’m certain the time I serve will make me more competitive in my future professional life. In a competitive industry, international experience with an organization like the Peace Corps will definitely set me apart from other job candidates. Everyone I’ve talked to who’s been in the Peace Corps has told me it’s a life changing experience. I can’t wait to find out what that means.

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