Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I'm writing to you all from a wonderful climate controlled home, current outdoor temperature is 10 degrees farenheit, and there are about 6 inches of snow on the ground... As you've probably guessed by now, I'm not in Maje anymore, I'm back in the good ole US of A, but only for the next week or so. Monday I'm heading back to Panama for another action packed year in Maje.

That's right I'm into my 3rd year as a volunteer, which means I've extended as a volunteer. So many may be wondering what exactly I'm doing here that's important enough to stay for, but not important enough to post a blog update for the last year. As you may have guessed, there are many things that are a part of my experience, yet haven't made it into my blog. For example, you probably didn't know I taught English in the school this year, or that I crafted a functional pair of water skis out of raw lumber and a pair of hiking boots, or that I kept a pet "boa" in my house for a week until I was alerted that it was actually a venomous viper. I'm not going to elaborate on these stories today, I'm going to update you all on the water and sanitation work I'll be working on in the coming year.

Community Aqueduct- Before I even arrived in Maje, the government had helped build an aqueduct for the community. However, the aqueduct dries up in the dry season leaving the community without water again. Last year we pooled resources to expand the aqueduct to include a water source that provides water year round. Community members all worked together to construct the intake structure and bury nearly one kilometer of PVC pipes. However, the larger components of the aqueduct system were out of reach for the communities budget. My goal for the next year is to have the aqueduct providing safe drinking water year round for the entire community.

Composting Latrines- Due to the high water table in the area, traditional outhouses fill up with water in the rainy season creating a hazard for the entire community. For this reason very few in the community have a latrine. We've built four model composting latrines in different parts of the community, that contain waste above ground while the composting process destroys all pathogens. Those who have this type of latrine see the benefits and have recommended them for friends and neighbors. There is a lot of interest in the community for this type of latrine, but it uses materials such as corrugated steel and cement. My goal is to build composting latrines for everyone interested in the next year.

You may notice that these goals will not be possible to accomplish in the next year without outside assistance. For this, I've worked with the community to apply for a grant that relies on donors to provide funding for community projects. This is where you all come in...

I am looking for 30 donors who can donate $100 each for materials to build composting latrines. Community members are then responsible for all the lumber and transport to build the latrines.

In addition I need two generous donors that can donate $1000 to purchase the water storage tanks necessary to complete the aqueduct system. The community is responsible for the water transport and installation of these tanks.

If you're able to help out with a donation of any size, you can do so by;
2.Enter the amount you're willing to donate.
3.Follow the instructions on screen

Or if you'd rather mail in a donation, you can use the following form, then send it to the address at the bottom of the page.

Remember that all donations are 100% tax deductible, and all contributions go directly to the community. I'll be donating my experience and skills to make sure the project benefits the entire community in a sustainable way. I sincerely hope you think and pray if you can be a blessing to my friends and family in Maje.

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